Designed specifically to help replicate challenging urban test scenarios, the LaunchPad Spin™ simulates dynamic movements, can carry a variety of Vulnerable Road User (VRU) targets and has a top speed of 30km/h.
Of the LaunchPad Spin Dr Andrew Pick, Business Director, Track Test Systems said:
The increasing sophistication of vehicle ADAS systems is necessitating a much more rigorous approach to testing. It is not sufficient to simply pass the legislative tests, vehicle manufacturers must ensure their ADAS systems continue to work when faced with the limitless number of scenarios encountered on public roads. To do this, test equipment must accurately replicate the real world to thoroughly test perception and classification systems.
The Spin features torque vectoring driven wheels and a precision-steered front wheel that can continuously rotate through 360 degrees without an end stop. This combination provides the platform with market-leading manoeuvrability to accurately represent sudden changes in direction that give a driver or AEB system little time to react. For example, a pedestrian walking back across the road, or a child slaloming between parked cars. By replicating the behaviour of pedestrians it expands the testing envelope to cover increasingly complex, dynamic and realistic scenarios.
The platform is compatible with the recently launched Soft Pedestrian 360. It's 30 km/h top speed and 3 m/s2 acceleration provides the flexibility to carry a range of VRU targets, such as pedestrians, cyclists, e-scooters and animals.
The LaunchPad Spin is the latest addition to AB Dynamics’ platform range. The portfolio includes the LaunchPad 50 and 60 for medium-speed testing, and the LaunchPad 80, the highest-speed platform designed for motorcycle scenarios. AB Dynamics also supplies a comprehensive range of ADAS targets, from the Soft Scooter 360 to the Soft Car 360, creating a one-stop-shop for ADAS testing requirements.