Richard (Dick) Elsy CBE
Non-Executive Chairman
Joined the Board on 1 August 2020 and was appointed non-executive Chairman on the 1 July 2021. Chair of the Nomination Committee.
Skills and experience: Industry Expert
Dick is a career veteran from the automotive industry, with the bulk of his time spent at Land Rover and then Jaguar, where he was Engineering Director. He ran Torotrak plc, and was CEO of the High Value Manufacturing Catapult, Europe’s largest advanced manufacturing research institution.
Most recently Dick has been chairing the Ventilator Challenge UK Consortium, an extraordinary programme to repurpose the automotive, motorsport and aero industries to build thousands of complex medical devices in a matter of a few weeks in response to the pandemic crisis.
External appointments:
Dick is non-executive director of AWE and is on the council of the UKRI-STFC.
He is a fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering and an honorary professor at Strathclyde University.